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Elementos (mostrados por Fecha de envío en Descendente orden): 181 a 200 de 1181
Fecha de publicaciónTítuloAutor(es)
2023Occupational Risks: A Comparative Study of the Most Common Indicators in Uruguay, Cuba and EcuadorAcosta-Pérez, Paúl; Espinosa-Pinos, Carlos; Acuña-Mayorga, José; Lascano-Arias, Giovanni
2023Evolution of Occupational Accident Rates by Geographic Zone in Ecuador, Period 2015-2021Espinoza-Guano, Mónica; Ramos-Guevara, Juan; Suárez-Pérez, Juan; Ramos-Espinoza, Andrea
2023Elaboration of the Laboratory Test Protocol for Asynchronous Alternating Current Electric Motors at Company, Located in the City of QuitoSegura, Juan; Enriquez, Armando; Arteaga, Gerardo; Topón-Visarrea, Blanca
2023The Fractional Brownian Model, Applied in the Credit Placement of the Popular and Solidarity Financial SectorSánchez-Montero, Ivanna; Tipán Renjifo, Diego
2023Body Composition Evaluation using Bioelectrical Impedance and its Impact on Academic Performance of Nursing StudentsRomero-Riaño, Paola; Camaño-Carballo, Lilian; Yánez-Rueda, Hugo
2023Social Networks, Masculinity and Emotional Intelligence in Men in the City of QuitoFreire-Muñoz, Irina; Jirón-Jiménez, Jonathan; Iriarte-Pérez, Luis
2023Design of an Automatic System for the Heat Shrink Blow Molding Process as a Measure to Reduce Ergonomic RisksTopón-Visarrea, Blanca; Shuguli, Rita; Ron-Valenzuela, Pablo; Castillo, José
2023Identification of Emerging Areas of Corporate Social Responsibility in SMEs: A Bibliometric PerspectiveSilva-Ordónez, Catalina; Salazar-Mera, Juan
2023Enhancing the Teaching of Natural Sciences in Rural Environments through Educational VideosCampaña-Córdova, María; Castillo-Ledesma, Franklin; Oleas-Orozco, José; Moncayo, Hugo; Avilés-Castillo, Fátima
2023Digital Divide: A Bibliometric Approach to Existing KnowledgeCruz-Cárdenas, Jorge; Palacio-Fierro, Andrés; Zabelina, Ekaterina; Deyneka, Olga; Ramos-Galarza, Carlos
2023Narrative as a Key Element for Learning Through VideosFerrando, Raúl; Salvador-Sarauz, Patricia; Cobos, Miguel
2023Localization of the Porion Landmark in Orthodontics: A Comparison of the Efficiency of NEMO-Ceph 2020 Software between Inexperienced and Expert OperatorsLoaiza-Martínez, Daniela; Llerena-Velásquez, Stephen; Gallegos, Juan; Ferrando, Raúl
2023Ordinal Logistic Regression Model for Predicting Employee Satisfaction from Organizational ClimateEspinosa-Pinos, Carlos; Acuña-Mayorga, José; Acosta-Pérez, Paúl; Lara-Álvarez, Patricio
2023Educational Management: A Construct of Added Value using a Model under R softwareMontes-Vera, David; Chacón-Castro, Marcos; Pinilla-Díaz, Isbelia; Jadán-Guerrero, Janio
2023Predicting Academic Performance in Psychology Students from Their Social Skills Using Classification AlgorithmsEspinosa-Pinos, Carlos; Vasco-Álvarez, Mónica; Cisneros-Bedón, Jorge; Labre-Tarco, Verónica
2023Virtual Laboratories for Learning Chemistry and Physics Through Chemlab and ModellusAlulima Alulima, Lidya; Mena-Alvarado, Evelyn; Chacón-Castro, Marcos
2023Use of Technology in the Context of Latin AmericaRamos-Galarza, Carlos; Cóndor-Herrera, Omar; Bolaños-Pasquel, Mónica; Cruz-Cárdenas, Jorge
2023Upcycling the Banana Industry in Ecuador: A Methodology to Estimate Biowaste and Catalogue of BioproductsSegarra-Jiménez, Moisés; Tobes, Ibon
2023Thermal Comfort in Two Housing Typologies in the Andean Region of Ecuador: Cotopaxi ProvinceRojas, María Augusta; Altamirano, Rodrigo
2023The role of negative affects as mediators in the relationship between stress and mental health in Ecuadorian adolescentsMoreta-Herrera, Rodrigo; De Frutos-Lucas, Jaisalmer; Llerena-Freire, Stefanía; Salinas-Palma, Alexandra; Trucharte-Martínez, Almudena
Elementos (mostrados por Fecha de envío en Descendente orden): 181 a 200 de 1181