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Elementos (mostrados por Fecha de envío en Descendente orden): 141 a 160 de 1181
Fecha de publicaciónTítuloAutor(es)
2023Leveraging Classical Statistical Methods for Sustainable Maintenance in Automotive Assembly EquipmentBucay-Valdiviezo, Juan; Escudero-Villa, Pedro; Paredes-Fierro, Jenny; Ayala-Chauvin, Manuel
2023Impact of the pandemic on school dropout: Multidimensional analysisNúñez-Naranjo, Aracelly; Núñez-Hernandez, Corina; Escobar-Bernúdes, Diego; Berruz-Uca, Isabel
2023How Science Fiction Inspired Advances in EngineeringLondoño-Proaño, Cristián
2023Experience of Using PBL and Gamification as an Active Methodology in Time of Pandemic in EcuadorGómez, Juan Manuel
2023Enhancing Sustainability through Accessible Health Platforms: A Scoping ReviewRamírez-Saltos, Domenica; Acosta-Vargas, Patricia; Acosta-Vargas, Gloria; Santórum, Marco; Carrion-Toro, Mayra; Ayala-Chauvin, Manuel; Ortiz-Prado, Esteban; Maldonado-Garcés, Verónica; González-Rodríguez, Mario
2023Empowering Electronics Learning through a Hands-on Approach: Arduino Projects in the ClassroomMoncayo, Hugo; Alulima-Alulima, Lidya; Mena, Margarita; Zárate, Luis
2023Development and Evaluation of a Computerized Didactic Guide with Mathematical Foundations for the Teaching-Learning of PhysicsBalladares-Pico, Luis; Espinosa-Pinos, Carlos; Núñez-Torres, María
2023Criteria of Pedagogical Practices in Times of Pandemic: A Systematic ReviewAyala-Mendoza, Asdrúbal; Pazmiño-Guevara, Lizzie; Álvarez-Tello, Jorge; Duque-Romero, Marco
2023Criminal characteristics and psychopathy in women in prisonMolina-Coloma, Verónica; Lara-Machado, Rosario; Lara-Ramos, Betsabé; Valdez-Miño, Carla
2023Biomechanical Study of the Eye with Keratoconus-Type Corneal Ectasia Using a 3D Geometric ModelSánchez-Real, Emily; Otuna-Hernández, Diego; Fajardo-Cabrera, Alisson; Davies-Alcívar, Rosemary; Madrid-Pérez, Mario; Cadena-Morejón, Carolina; Almeida-Galárraga, Diego; Guevara, César; Tirado-Espín, Andrés; Villalba-Meneses, Fernando
2023Analysis of Gamification in b-Learning in University Higher Education: A Systematic Review of the LiteratureLópez-Núñez, Henry; Guevara, César; Bassante-Núñez, Viviana; Viera-Pérez, Diego
2023An analysis of IoT technology education based on UIFLOWVarela-Aldás, José; Junta-Andagama, Christian; Bran, Carlos
2023Agogic sciences for innovation in teaching management at the "AIDA GALLEGOS" educational unitCangui-Basantez, Milton; Lamus-de Rodríguez, Tibisay; Tiglla-Iglecias, Jessica; Cerda-Solís, Gina; Casco-Hinojosa, Jaime
2023Active Methodologies: An Approach to Virtual Teaching in Natural SciencesBecerra-García, Eulalia; Castillo-Salazar, David; Viera-Muñoz, Fernanda
2022Technological-Productive Changes in Work: Ecuadorian Juridical IssuesRodríguez-Mendoza, Carolina; Rocha-Pullopaxi, Milton Enrique
2022Socio-emotional development from complexity in adolescent students of the Calderón Sector in the City of Quito-EcuadorAndrade-Rivera, Guadalupe; Landeta-Morales, Sonia; Maldonado-Godoy, Alex; Paredes-Flores, Luis; Aguilar-Bazurto, Andrea
2022Active strategies from the complexity and its effect on the education of students with NEE, in the City of Quito-EcuadorAndrade-Rivera, Guadalupe; Andrade-Leones, Lorena; Barberán-Palacios, Betty; Obando-Paredes, Jiselia; Cabascango-Sánchez, María
2018Uncovering hidden specific diversity of Andean glassfrogs of the Centrolene buckleyi species complex (Anura: Centrolenidae)Amador, Luis; Parada, Andrés; D’Elía, Guillermo; Guayasamin, Juan
2019Mathematical Statistical Analysis About the behavior of the Electrical Conditions Established under the ISO Standard Test 16750-2 in Two Automotive Alarm Modules in EcuadorPancha, Johnny; Rojas, Vicente; Lema, Jorge; Arteaga-Rodríguez, Gerardo
2023Virtual Classroom in the Formation of Educational Quality StandardsMunive-Obando, Oscar; Tobar-Gómez, Carmen
Elementos (mostrados por Fecha de envío en Descendente orden): 141 a 160 de 1181