Browsing by Author Tobes, Ibon

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Showing results 1 to 18 of 18
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2020A new species of microglanis (Siluriformes: Pseudopimelodidae) from the pacific slope of EcuadorTobes, Ibon; Falconí-López, Ana; Valdiviezo-Rivera, Jonathan; Provenzano-Rizzi, Francisco
2021Altitudinal distribution of aquatic macroinvertebrates and its relation to environmental variables in an Amazon river system (Perú)Arana-Maestre, Jerry; Álvarez-Tolentino, Daniel; Miranda, Rafael; Tobes, Ibon; Araujo-Flores, Julio; Carrasco-Badajoz, Carlos; Rayme-Chalco, Carolina
2023Biodiversity responses to land-use change in the equatorial AndesRíos-Touma, Blanca; Rosero, Paulina; Morabowen, Andrés; Guayasamin, Juan; Carson, Chelsea; Villamarín-Cortez, Santiago; Solano-Ugalde, Alejandro; Tobes, Ibon; Cuesta, Francisco
2016Diagnosing stream ecosystem integrity in the Ordesa-Viñamala Biosphere Reserve, central Spanish PyreneesTobes, Ibon; Gaspar, Sergio; Oscoz, J.; Miranda, Rafael
2021Editorial: BioCamb: 10 años contribuyendo al conocimiento de la biodiversidad en el EcuadorPeña, Paola; Páez-Vacas, Mónica; Salazar, Laura; Oleas, Nora; Valencia, Kevin; Tobes, Ibon
2022Ethnoichthyology and Ethnotaxonomy of the Kichwa Indigenous People of Arawanu (Arajuno), in the Ecuadorian AmazonTobes, Ibon; Carrillo-Moreno, Carolina; Guarderas-Flores, Lida; Jácome-Negrete, Iván; Velásquez-Cárdenas, Yetlanezi
2022Evaluating the influence of environmental variables on fish assemblages along Tropical Andes: considerations from ecology to conservationMiranda, Rafael; Rios-Touma, Blanca; Falconí-López, Ana; Pino-del-Carpio, Andrea; Gaspar, Sergio; Ortega, Hernán; Peláez-Rodríguez, Marlon; Araujo-Flores, Julio Manuel; Tobes, Ibon
2021Fish ecology of the alto madre de dios river basin (Peru): Notes on electrofishing surveys, elevation, palm swamp and headwater fishesTobes, Ibon; Ramos-Merchante, Adrián; Araujo-Flores, Julio; Pino-del-Carpio, Julio; Ortega, Hernán; Miranda, Rafael
2020Impacto de COVID-19 en la investigación de la Biodiversidad en EcuadorOleas, Nora; Melo-González, Cristian; Tobes, Ibon; Salazar, Laura; Falconí-López, Ana; Páez-Vacas, Mónica; Bonilla-Bedoya, Santiago; Endara, María José
2016Length–weight relationships of freshwater fishes of the Alto Madre de Dios River (Manu Biosphere Reserve, Peru)Tobes, Ibon; Miranda, Rafael; Pino-del-Carpio, A.; Araujo-Flores, J.M.; Ortega, H.
2016Morphometric relations of freshwater fishes of the Suaza River (Huila department, Colombia)Tobes, Ibon; Miranda, Rafael; Gaspar, Sergio; Pelaez-Rodriguez, Marlon
2018Patterns in the Distribution of Fish Assemblages and Their Association with Habitat Variables in the Suaza River on Its Way through the Cueva de los Guácharos National Park, ColombiaMiranda, Rafael; Tobes, Ibon; Gaspar, Sergio; Peláez-Rodriguez, Marlon
2021-08-22Peces de la Cuenca del río Mira: Pacífico colombo-ecuatorianoMojica, José Iván; Jiménez Prado, Pedro; Martínez-González, Cristian Camilo; González-Daza, William; Forero-Cano, Julián David; Larrarte-Rivera, Edgar; Acosta-Vela, Astrid Gisela; Martínez-Aguirre, Estephania; Ávila-Rojas, Fábel Leonardo; Tobes, Ibon; Agudelo, Henry
2018Size spectra and other size-related variables of river fish communities: systematic changes along the altitudinal gradient on pristine Andean streamsBenejam, Lluis; Tobes, Ibon; Brucet, Sandra; Miranda, Rafael
2016Spatial distribution patterns of fish assemblages relative to macroinvertebrates and environmental conditions in Andean piedmont streams of the Colombian AmazonTobes, Ibon; Gaspar, Sergio; Peláez-Rodriguez, Marlon; Miranda, Rafael
2022Understanding the Relation with Nature in the City: Biodiversity Knowledge and Environmental Awareness in a Periurban Area of Quito, EcuadorMorales-Espín, Belén; Ortíz, Flor; Sánchez-Lara, Enmily; Páez-Vacas, Mónica; Muñoz-Lara, Kevin; Bravo-Vera, Erick; Franco-Mena, Daniela; Baer, Natasha; Oleas, Nora; Tobes, Ibon
2023Upcycling the Banana Industry in Ecuador: A Methodology to Estimate Biowaste and Catalogue of BioproductsSegarra-Jiménez, Moisés; Tobes, Ibon
2021Water quality assessment of the cutuchi river basin (Ecuador): A review of technical documentsZapata, Daniela; Oleas, Nora; Páez-Vacas, Mónica; Tobes, Ibon