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Título : Mathematical Statistical Analysis About the behavior of the Electrical Conditions Established under the ISO Standard Test 16750-2 in Two Automotive Alarm Modules in Ecuador
Otros títulos : Análisis Estadístico Matemático del Comportamiento de Las Condiciones Eléctricas Establecidas en los Ensayos de la Norma ISO 16750-2 en Dos Módulos de Alarma Automotriz en el Ecuador
Autor : Pancha, Johnny
Rojas, Vicente
Lema, Jorge
Arteaga-Rodríguez, Gerardo
Fecha de publicación : 2019
Editorial : Revista Politecnica. Open Access. Volume 42, Issue 2, Pages 49 - 56
Resumen : Electronic devices that are designed to be installed in the vehicle may be subject to tests required for certification or minimum approval required to be installed in the electrical system of the car. With the use of a standardized equipment which allows to generate electrical condition to an electronic device, to obtain different results before the electrical behavior that can be found especially in the vehicle; conditions such as: momentary voltage falls, surge voltage and invertion voltage, whereas even submit devices to automotive system strong electrical conditions when starting the engine. With this analysis, results of the behavior between two electronic devices are obtained and in this way it is determined through the validation of each one, if the characteristics of the design or aspects of programming can influence the result of each test. This allows us to consider several aspects of the design of the device and thus achieve optimum performance, this being reflected in obtaining a certification
URI : http://scielo.senescyt.gob.ec/scielo.php?script=sci_abstract&pid=S1390-01292019000100049&lng=e&nrm=iso&tlng=en
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