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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2011Range extension and description of the juvenile plumage of the Masked Mountain-tanager (Buthraupis wetmorei, Thraupidae)Leal, César; Meneses, Henry; Gereda, Oscar; Cuervo, Andrés; Bonaccorso, Elisa
2011Range extensions and other noteworthy bird records from the Ecuadorian AndesBonaccorso, Elisa; Arzuza, Diana; Buitrón-Jurado, Galo; Charpentier, Ana; Juiña, Mery; Piedrahia, Paolo; Freile, Juan
2011Molecular phylogeny and systematics of Neotropical toucanets in the genus Aulacorhynchus (Aves, Ramphastidae)Bonaccorso, Elisa; Guayasamín, Juan; Peterson, Townsend; Navarro-Sigüenza, Adolfo
2011Advertisement and combat calls of the glass frog Centrolene lynchi (Anura: Centrolenidae), with notes on combat and reproductive behaviorsDautel, Nicole; Salgado, Ana; Abuza, Rebecca; Imba, Henry; Griffin, Kelsey; Guayasamín, Juan
2011A new frog of the genus Pristimantis (Amphibia: Strabomantidae) from the high Andes of Southeastern Ecuador, discovered using morphological and molecular dataArteaga-Navarro, Alejando; Guayasamín, Juan
2011Bucklandiella araucana (Grimmiaceae), a new species from ChileLarraín, Juan; Quandt, Dietmar; Muñoz, Jesús
2011Species distributions models: A synthetic revisionMateo, Rubén; Felicícimo, Ángel; Muñoz, Jesús
2011Notes on the diet of the Band-bellied Owl (Pulsatrix melanota) in EcuadorCadena-Ortiz, Diego; Bahamonde-Vinueza, Daniela; Bonaccorso, Elisa
2011A new species of Andean toad (Bufonidae, Osornophryne) discovered using molecular and morphological data, with a taxonomic key for the genusPáez-Moscoso, Diego; Guayasamín, Juan; Yánez-Muñoz, Mario
2011The taxonomic identity of the neglected Racomitrium stenocladum (Bryophyta, Grimmiaceae)Larraín, Juan; Quandt, Dietmar; Muñoz, Jesús
2012Variation in reproductive life-history traits of birds in fragmented habitats: A review and meta-analysisVargas, Renzo; Fontúrbel, Francisco; Bonaccorso, Elisa; Simonetti, Javier
2012A new, high-elevation glassfrog (Anura: Centrolenidae) from Manu National Park, southern PeruCatenazzi, Alessandro; Von-May, Rudolf; Lehr, Edgar; Gagliardi-Urrutia, Glussepe; Guayasamín, Juan
2012Population Dynamics of the Endangered Plant, Phaedranassa tunguraguae, from the Tropical Andean HotspotOleas, Nora; Meerow, Alan; Francisco-Ortega, Javier
2012Molecular phylogenetics of stream treefrogs of the Hyloscirtus larinopygion group (Anura: Hylidae), and description of two new species from EcuadorColoma, Luis; Carvajal-Endara, Sofía; Dueñas, Juan; Paredes-Recalde, Arturo; Morales-Mite, Manuel; Almeida-Reinoso, Diego; Tapia, Elicio; Hutter, Carl; Toral, Eduardo; Guayasamín, Juan
2012A revision of species diversity in the neotropical genus Oreobates (Anura: Strabomantidae), with the description of three new species from the amazonian slopes of the andesPadial, José; Chaparro, Juan; Castroviejo-Fisher, Santiago; Guayasamín, Juan; Lehr, Edgar; Delgado, Amanda; Vaira, Marcos; Teixeira, Jr.-Mauro; Aguayo, Rodrigo; De-la-Riva, Ignacio
2012Phylogeny of haplolepideous mosses - Challenges and perspectivesStech, Michael; McDaniel, Stuart; Hernández-Maqueda, Rafael; Ros, Rosa; Werner, Olaf; Muñoz, Jesús; Quandt, Dietmar
2012Legume diversity patterns in West Central Africa: Influence of species biology on distribution modelsDe-la-Estrella, Manuel; Mateo, Rubén; Mackinder, Barbara; Muñoz, Jesús; Wieringa, Jan
2012Common but new: Bartramia rosamrosiae, a "new" widespread species of apple mosses (Bartramiales, Bryophytina) from the Mediterranean and western North AmericaDamayanti, Lia; Muñoz, Jesús; Wicke, Susann; Symmank, Lars; Shaw, Blanka; Frahm, Jan-Peter; Quandt, Dietmar
2012Use of ring recoveries to predict habitat suitability in small passerinesTellería, José; Santos, Tomás; Refoyo, Pablo; Muñoz, Jesús
2012Do Marmorkrebs, Procambarus fallax f. virginalis, threaten freshwater Japanese ecosystems?Faulkes, Zen; Feria, Teresa; Muñoz, Jesús