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Title: Development of the property rights of authors of musical works and their collective management in Ecuador and Spain
Other Titles: Desarrollo de los derechos patrimoniales de autores de obras musicales y su gestión colectiva en Ecuador y España
Authors: Martínez Tocoronte, Eric
Álvarez Sánchez, Ana
Issue Date: 2022
Publisher: Universidad y Sociedad. Volume 14, Issue S5, Pages 177 - 189
Abstract: This article deals with the essential elements that intervene with the ability to understand, from the different text typologies in the teaching-learning process of the Castilian language, based on theory, as well as Colombian normative documents, which as a whole and based on the Political Constitution of 1991, must guarantee an inclusive education, where the social and cultural environment of the individuals must be taken into account in order to develop a meaningful and contextualized pedago-gical practice. Throughout the writing, the teaching-learning process is related with the formation of the ability to understand, from different text typologies, as a dynamic element of this process in the third grade students of Basic Primary Education.
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