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Title: Analyzing serious games and literacy
Authors: Pucha, Gabriel
Arias-Flores, Hugo
Borja-Galeas, Carlos
Issue Date: 2022
Publisher: Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies, CISTI. Volume 2022-June. 17th Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies, CISTI 2022. Madrid. 22 June 2022 through 25 June 2022
Abstract: Technology allows access to a wealth of resources that facilitate learning, in the case of literacy offers audiovisual resources that streamline cognitive skills. However, pedagogical strategies are required to implement technologies and achieve meaningful learning. Serious games arise as a proposal that seeks the development of learning through the development of activities of the game adjusting to the main way in which it is learned: through what is said and done. In this context, the objective of the research is to establish the use of serious games aimed at reinforcing literacy skills that strengthen the learning of second-year students of EGB. The focus of the research is qualitative with a descriptive scope, in which interviews were conducted with the actors of the educational process. The results show that children fail to develop their literacy skills, due to scarce didactic resources, ignorance of methodologies, lack of practice exercises and poor integration of innovative strategies that stimulate collaborative learning in the learning environment. The development of a strategy based on serious games, from mobile applications for the strengthening of literacy skills, with positive reinforcement and constant feedback, will allow students to maintain interest and develop these skills that are indispensable to continue in the educational process.
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