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Title: The lack of job opportunitities for older adults in Ecuador
Other Titles: La falta de oportunidades laborales a los adultos mayores en Ecuador
Authors: Bermúdez Santana, Diana
Jiménez Vergara, Leonardo
Issue Date: 2022
Publisher: Universidad y Sociedad. Volume 14, Pages 572 - 579
Abstract: The objective of this scientific article is to determine the impact of the so-called Organic Law for the Promotion of Youth Work, Exceptional Regulation of the Working Hours, Severance and Unemployment Insurance, in the constitutionally recognized principle of equality, with respect to hiring employment of older adults in Ecuador. And it is that, in the country, it is obser-ved that there is a lack of job opportunities for older adults, who in many cases need to join the labor market to be able to survive and meet their basic economic needs, such as: food, health, housing, clothing, among other. In addition, due to the importance of the personal self-realization of the human being at any stage of his life, which depends to a large extent on the self-satisfaction of his needs. Therefore, it is striking that the National Legislative Assembly has only legislated for the benefit of a certain sector of the population, to supposedly guarantee them a job with a law, and the principle of equality is violated, so that older adults they can also access a source of employment, which could even be discriminatory. The present investigation in this regard, demands the use of methods such as: the synthetic analytical, the historical-logical, and the inductive-deductive, to achieve the general objective set and through a merely qualitative approach.
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