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Título : Innovation Persistence on Ecuadorian SMEs Growth
Autor : Simbaña-Taipe, Luis
Carrión-Carcelén, Mayra
Tandazo Guillén, Ximena
Sánchez Pazmiño, María
Morales-Urrutia, Ximena
Rodeiro-Pazos, David
Fecha de publicación : 2021
Editorial : Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing. Volume 1327 AISC, Pages 235 - 258. 15th Multidisciplinary International Congress on Science and Technology, CIT 2020. Quito. 26 October 2020 through 30 October 2020
Resumen : Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) are a significant part of the business network in Ecuador, as they contribute to the gross domestic product and the labor force. The aim of this research is to determine the impact of innovation persistence on the growth of Ecuadorian SMEs, through sales and employment growth variables. This phenomenon is analyzed considering two approaches: background dependence and virtuous circles of accumulation. This study evaluates a sample of 5,136 companies, during the period 2009−2014 and it uses quantile regression model (QR) for panel data. The findings show that there is no persistence for SMEs, except for high-growth companies.
URI : https://investigacion.usc.gal/documentos/60b76c3713b90b190115ca33
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