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Título : CommonKADS and Ontology Reasoner: Bulky-Baggage Case Study
Autor : Lozada, Fabricio
Tenecota, Wladimir
Pullas Tapia, Paul
Miniguano Miniguano, Livio
Fecha de publicación : 2021
Editorial : Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies. Volume 225, Pages 757 - 764. 4th International Conference on Smart Computing and Informatics, SCI 2020. Hyderabad. 9 October 2020 through 10 October 2020
Resumen : This paper presents the development of an agent based on an ontology reasoner based on the CommonKADS methodology. An ontology is built for the representation of the shoplifting trick “bulky-baggage” in the Protégé tool and in Java source code on the Jena library. And to build the agent, the Pellet reasoner is used both for Protégé and for its implementation in Java. As a result, the products that were stolen from the supermarket are taken by inference
URI : https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-981-16-0878-0_74
Aparece en las colecciones: Artículos Científicos Indexados

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