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Elementos (mostrados por Fecha de envío en Descendente orden): 881 a 900 de 1180
Fecha de publicaciónTítuloAutor(es)
2021Virtual Assistants and Its Implementation in the Teaching-Learning ProcessCóndor-Herrera, Omar; Jadán-Guerrero, Janio; Ramos-Galarza, Carlos
2021Virtual Learning Objects’ of Math Educative ProcessCóndor-Herrera, Omar; Jadán-Guerrero, Janio; Ramos-Galarza, Carlos
2021Relationship Between Technological Resources and Meaningful Learning in Secondary StudentsBonilla-Guachamín, Johanna; Jadán-Guerrero, Janio; Rojas-Londoño, David; Ramos-Galarza, Carlos
2021Design of a Human Machine Interface for Programming and Testing Adjustable Frequency Drives for Constant Pressure Pumping ApplicationsRemache-Vinueza, Byron; Castro-Ramírez, Jefferson; Zapata, Mireya
2021Crime prediction for patrol routes generation using machine learningGuevara-Maldonado, César; Santos, Matilde
2021Alkaloids of Phaedranassa dubia (Kunth) J.F. Macbr. and Phaedranassa brevifolia Meerow (Amaryllidaceae) from Ecuador and its cholinesterase-inhibitory activityAcosta León, Karen; Inca, Alexander; Tallini, Luciana; Osorio, Edison; Robles, Jessica; Bastida, Jaume; Oleas, Nora
2021Nutritional niches reveal fundamental domestication trade-offs in fungus-farming antShik, Jonathan; Kooij, Pepijn; Donoso, David; Santos, Juan; Gómez, Ernesto; Franco, Mariana; Crumiere, Antonin; Arnan, Xavier; Howe, Jack; Wcislo, William; Boomsma, Jacobus
2021Gamification as an Educational Strategy to Strengthen Cognitive Abilities of Mathematics in School ChildrenJácome-Amores, Ligia; Rivera Freire, Wimper; Sánchez Sánchez, Richard
2021Brain organization models: A neuropsychological journeySilva-Barragán, Micaela; Ramos-Galarza, Carlos
2021Proposal for an evaluation scale of executive functions in university studentsLópez-Cárdenas, María; Ramos-Galarza, Carlos
2019Reader habit, equipment and family income of the students of the UNAECastellano Gil, José; Herrera Montero, Luis; Loaiza Sánchez, Kelly; Fajardo Pucha, Ángel
2021The role of international labour standards in the area of labour law in a globalized worldPangol Lascano, Alberto
2021Do Harvest Practices of Bromeliads and Forest Management in Sierra Norte of Oaxaca Have a Negative Effect on their Abundance and Phorophyte Preference?Velásquez-Cárdenas, Yetlanezi; Rendón-Aguilar, Beatriz; Espejo-Serna, Adolfo
2021Understanding its educational dimension in the context of the bachelor of science in education degree program of the universidad autÓnoma del estado de hidalgo ict-based learning assessmentCáceres Mesa, Maritza; Suárez-Monzón, Noemí
2021The evaluation of evidence in criminal proceedings: A constitutional perspectiveCárdenas Paredes, Karina Dayana; Salazar Solorzano, María Belén
2021Safety During the Fruit and Flowers Festival and Its Impact on Local EntrepreneursMorales-Molina, Tania; Núñez-Torres, Gabriel; Bucheli Vásquez, Geri; Machado López, Libertad
2021Decisive Factors of Business Dynamism in Latin America: An Approach from the New Institutional Economy PerspectiveMorales-Urrutia, Ximena; Salazar-Mera, Juan Eduardo; Silva-Ordónez, Catalina Alexandra
2021Public Policies for Rural Tourism in SpainMorales-Urrutia, Ximena; Naranjo-Gaibor, Aidé; Tejada-Moyano, Sandra; Vargas-Ramos, Fernanda
2021A Retrospective and Prospective Analysis of Social Entrepreneurship: Popular and Solidarity Economy in EcuadorMorales-Urrutia, Ximena; Naranjo-Gaibor, Aidé; Espinoza-Guano, Mónica; Morales-Urrutia, Diana; Simbaña-Taipe, Luis
2021Design of a Synchronous Generator of Permanent Magnets of Radial Flux for a Pico-Hydropower StationFlores, Estefanía; Cumbajín, Myriam; Sánchez, Patricio
Elementos (mostrados por Fecha de envío en Descendente orden): 881 a 900 de 1180