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Resultados 31-40 de 123.
Resultados por ítem:
Fecha de publicaciónTítuloAutor(es)
2020Implementation of controls for insertion of accessible images in open online editors based on WCAG guidelines. Case studies: Tinymce and summernoteSánchez-Gordón, Sandra; Calle-Jimenez, Tania; Villarroel-Ramos, Jorge; Jadán-Guerrero, Janio; Guevara-Maldonado, César; Lara-Alvarez, Patricio; Acosta-Vargas, Patricia; Salvador-Ullauri, Luis
2020Improving usability with think aloud and focus group methods. A case study: an intelligent police patrolling system (i-PAT)Calle-Jiménez, Tania; Tutillo-Sánchez, Doris; Sánchez-Gordón, Sandra; Jadán-Guerrero, Janio; Guevara-Maldonado, César; Lara-Alvarez, Patricio; Acosta-Vargas, Patricia; Salvador-Ullauri, Luis; Nunes, Isabel
2020Building hybrid interfaces to increase interaction with young children and children with special needsJadán-Guerrero, Janio; Guevara-Maldonado, César; Lara-Alvarez, Patricio; Sanchez-Gordón, Sandra; Calle-Jimenez, Tania; Salvador-Ullauri, Luis; Acosta-Vargas, Patricia; Bonilla-Jurado, Diego
2020Accessibility assessment in mobile applications for androidAcosta Vargas, Patricia; Salvador-Ullauri, Luis; Jadán-Guerrero, Janio; Guevara-Maldonado, César; Sánchez-Gordón, Sandra; Calle-Jiménez, Tania; Lara-Alvarez, Patricio; Medina, Ana; Nunes, Isabel
2020Kinematic optimization of the robot head movements for the evaluation of human-robot interaction in social roboticsAlvarez, Jorge; Zapata, Mireya; Paillacho, Dennys
2020Glassfrogs of Ecuador: Diversity, evolution, and conservationGuayasamín, Juan; Cisneros-Heredia, Diego; McDiarmid, Roy; Peña, Paula; Hutter, Carl
2020A new species of microglanis (Siluriformes: Pseudopimelodidae) from the pacific slope of EcuadorTobes, Ibon; Falconí-López, Ana; Valdiviezo-Rivera, Jonathan; Provenzano-Rizzi, Francisco
2020Validation of the questionnaire OLC (Organizational Learning Culture) in ecuadorian organizationsRamos, Valentina; Herrera, Leonidas; Franco-Crespo, Antonio; Guerra, Yasel; González-Pérez, Lien; Ramos-Galarza, Carlos; Rebelo, Teresa; Tejera, Eduardo
2020Anthropization and growth of the electricity grid as variables for the analysis of urban infrastructureAyala-Chauvin, Manuel; Huaraca, Diego; Varela-Aldás, José; Ordóñez, Andrea; Riba, Genis
2020Matrogymnasia and motor development in children between 7 and 8 years old with cerebral palsyJami-Vargas, Patricio; Caisapanta-Acaro, Nancy; Zambrano-Pintado, Ruth; Bonilla-Jurado, Diego