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Título : A new species of microglanis (Siluriformes: Pseudopimelodidae) from the pacific slope of Ecuador
Otros títulos : Se describe una nueva especie de bagre para la cuenca del río esmeraldas, vertiente del pacífico, en el norte de Ecuador
Autor : Tobes, Ibon
Falconí-López, Ana
Valdiviezo-Rivera, Jonathan
Provenzano-Rizzi, Francisco
Fecha de publicación : 2020
Editorial : Neotropical Ichthyology. Volume 18, Issue 2, Pages 1 - 19
Resumen : A new species of catfish is described from the Esmeraldas River Basin, Pacific slope, northern Ecuador. Tentatively included in Microglanis, represents the second species of the genus inhabiting the Trans-Andean region. The new species is distinguished from known congeners by a unique combination of external characteristics: head and body color pattern, uniform, pale brown, yellowish or grayish, without any kind of blotches, bands or dots, only a lunate transverse band, dark or black, at caudal-fin origin; adipose-fin origin and forward without lighter or luminous areas. Compared with M. variegatus, the new species has morphometric differences, such as the distances between dorsal and pelvic fins, and between posterior nostrils. Some osteological characteristics are compared with those observed in species of Pseudopimelodidae inhabiting the Pacific versant of Colombia and Ecuador and with some other species of Microglanis. © 2020 The Authors.
URI : https://www.bvs-vet.org.br/vetindex/periodicos/neotropical-ichtyology/18-(2020)-2/a-new-species-of-microglanis-siluriformes-pseudopimelodidae-from-the-p/#:~:text=A%20new%20species%20of%20Microglanis%20%28Siluriformes%3A%20Pseudopimelodidae%29%20from,vertiente%20del%20Pac%C3%ADfico%2C%20en%20el%20norte%20de%20Ecuador.
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