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Resultados 131-140 de 1977.
Resultados por ítem:
Fecha de publicaciónTítuloAutor(es)
2022Prevention of Failures in the Footwear Production Process by Applying Machine LearningTierra-Arévalo, José; Ayala-Chauvin, Manuel; Nacevilla, Carmen; De la Fuente-Morato, Albert
2021Spatiotemporal variation of forest cover and its relation to air quality in urban Andean socio-ecological systemsBonilla-Bedoya, Santiago; Zalakeviciute, Rasa; Mejía, Danilo; Durango-Cordero, Juan; Molina, Juan; Macedo-Pezzopane, Jose; Herrera, Miguel
2021Proposal for an evaluation scale of executive functions in university studentsLópez-Cárdenas, María; Ramos-Galarza, Carlos
2021Understanding its educational dimension in the context of the bachelor of science in education degree program of the universidad autÓnoma del estado de hidalgo ict-based learning assessmentCáceres Mesa, Maritza; Suárez-Monzón, Noemí
2021Do Harvest Practices of Bromeliads and Forest Management in Sierra Norte of Oaxaca Have a Negative Effect on their Abundance and Phorophyte Preference?Velásquez-Cárdenas, Yetlanezi; Rendón-Aguilar, Beatriz; Espejo-Serna, Adolfo
2021Geo-colonizing Mars: A fun way to raise awareness about environment caring and teach GeometryArroyo-Cruz, Lorena; Chacón-Castro, Marcos; Jadán-Guerrero, Janio
2021The evaluation of evidence in criminal proceedings: A constitutional perspectiveCárdenas Paredes, Karina Dayana; Salazar Solorzano, María Belén
2021Safety During the Fruit and Flowers Festival and Its Impact on Local EntrepreneursMorales-Molina, Tania; Núñez-Torres, Gabriel; Bucheli Vásquez, Geri; Machado López, Libertad
2021The Impact of COVID–19 on Students’ Economic LifeGuadalupe-Lanas, Jorge; Cruz-Cárdenas, Jorge; Arias-Flores, Hugo
2021A virtual reality-based cognitive telerehabilitation system for use in the covid-19 pandemicVarela-Aldás, José; Buele, Jorge; Ramos Lorente, Pedro; García-Magariño, Iván; Palacios-Navarro, Guillermo