Browsing by Author Ramos-Galarza, Carlos

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Showing results 1 to 20 of 146  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2022360° Technology Applied to Touristic MarketingCóndor-Herrera, Omar; Ramos-Galarza, Carlos
2024A Bibliometric Approach to Existing Literature on TeleworkingCruz-Cárdenas, Jorge; Ramos-Galarza, Carlos; Zabelina, Ekaterina; Deyneka, Olga; Palacio-Fierro, Andrés
2020-12-30Actualización en metodología de la investigación científicaArévalo-Chávez, Patricio; Cruz-Cárdenas, Jorge; Guevara-Maldonado, César; Palacio-Fierro, Andrés; Bonilla-Bedoya, Santiago; Estrella-Bastidas, Anabel; Guadalupe-Lanas, Jorge; Zapata-Rodríguez, Mireya; Jadán-Guerrero, Janio; Arias-Flores, Hugo; Ramos-Galarza, Carlos
2015Adaptación y estudio descriptivo del experimento Go/No-Go en una una muestra de estudiantes ecuatorianosRamos-Galarza, Carlos
2017Adaptation of Victoria stroop test in ecuadorians studentsRamos-Galarza, Carlos
2020Alteraciones cerebrales por COVID-19Ramos-Galarza, Carlos
2019Analysis of organizational power networks through a holistic approach using consensus strategiesRamos, Valentina; Franco-Crespo, Antonio; González-Pérez, Lien; Guerra, Yasel; Ramos-Galarza, Carlos; Pazmiño, Pablo; Tejera, Eduardo
2017Análisis de correlación entre el test d2 y la escala ADHD RS IVRamos-Galarza, Carlos; Villacis, Nicolas; Estévez, Sofía; Álava, María Belén; Albán, Carla; Caranqui, Byron; Cornejo, David; Herrera, Andrea; Pélaez, Melissa; Jadán-Guerrero, Janio
2021Artificial Intelligence and Tomorrow’s EducationCóndor-Herrera, Omar; Arias-Flores, Hugo; Jadán-Guerrero, Janio; Ramos-Galarza, Carlos
2018Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder: Behavioral Report from Professors and Self-Report from University StudentsRamos-Galarza, Carlos; Fiallo-Karolys, Ximena; Ramos, Valentina; Jadán-Guerrero, Janio; Paredes-Nuñez, Lorena
2021Augmented Reality Teaching Resources and Its Implementation in the Teaching-Learning ProcessCóndor-Herrera, Omar; Acosta-Rodas, Pamela; Ramos-Galarza, Carlos
2022Bibliometric Analysis of Existing Knowledge on Digital Transformation in Higher EducationCruz-Cárdenas, Jorge; Ramos-Galarza, Carlos; Guadalupe-Lanas, Jorge; Palacio-Fierro, Andrés; Galárraga-Carvajal, Mercedes
2024Bibliometric Analysis of the Use of Technology in NeuropsychologyRamos-Galarza, Carlos; García-Cruz, Patricia; Ramos, Valentina; Cruz-Cárdenas, Jorge; Bolaños-Pasquel, Mónica
2016Bifactor modeling of the behavior rating inventory of executive function (BRIEF) in a Chilean samplePéres-Salas, Claudia; Ramos-Galarza, Carlos; Oliva, Karen; Ortega, Alonso
2023Blended Learning and Higher Education: A Bibliometric AnalysisCruz-Cárdenas, Jorge; Parra-Domínguez, Javier; Zabelina, Ekaterina; Deyneka, Olga; Ramos-Galarza, Carlos
2021Brain organization models: A neuropsychological journeySilva-Barragán, Micaela; Ramos-Galarza, Carlos
2021Cognition, affectivity and resilience in the forgiveness of a transgression in the coupleBolaños-Pasquel, Mónica; López-Cárdenas, María; Guerrero, Brenda; Cruz-Cárdenas, Jorge; Ramos-Galarza, Carlos
2021Cognitive Interventions Based on Technology: A Systematic Literature ReviewRamos-Galarza, Carlos; Cóndor-Herrera, Omar; Arias-Flores, Hugo; Jadán-Guerrero, Janio; Bolaños-Pasquel, Mónica; Cedillo, Priscila
2022Comparative organizational network analysis considering formal power-based networks and organizational hierarchiesRamos, Valentina; Pazmiño, Pablo; Franco-Crespo, Antonio; Ramos-Galarza, Carlos
2021Consumer Extraversion, Novelty Seeking, and Use of Mobile Instant Messaging (MIM)Cruz-Cárdenas, Jorge; Guadalupe-Lanas, Jorge; Ramos-Galarza, Carlos; Zabelina, Ekaterina; Deyneka, Olga