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Título : Una aproximación cualitativa Learning experiences in virtual teacher training during confinement by COVID-19. A qualitative approach
Otros títulos : Experiencias de aprendizaje en la formación virtual de docentes durante el confinamiento por COVID-19. Una aproximación cualitativa
Autor : Gómez-Suárez, Vanessa
Suárez-Monzón, Noemí
Cáceres-Mesa, Maritza
Lara-Paredes, Diego
Fecha de publicación : 2023
Editorial : Interdisciplinaria. Open Access. Volume 40, Issue 2, Pages 497 - 515
Resumen : Teachers’ university training during the confinement caused by the COVID-19 pandemic has been influenced by various factors. This research’s main objective was to analyse the learning experiences of undergraduate students in Basic Education at an Ecua-dorian university. The current study involves a qualitative approach using a thematic content analysis of narratives written as reflective reports. The sample was composed by 5th semester students of the Basic Education career. They were between 19 and 38 years old, and their narratives were selected taking into account these selection parameters: the stories were set up in a reasonable and meaningful way, followed the structure: introduction, development, conclusion; and they were deep, but very clear in the reflections made that direct the future perspective of the subject in question. This study was organized as part of a project for the improvement of teachers’ training, taking into account the six categories that have a direct influence on student education and that define a didactic and pedagogical challenge of those who are in charge of university processes. According to the previous argument, some of these categories are the use of electronic devices and access to learning technologies; the adaptation and use of teaching strategies in the virtual context; the development of students’ creativity during virtual learning; learning environment and family coexistence at home; and physical and emotional well-being. The findings indicate: greater relevance of information and communication technologies (ICT) as a platform for teaching and receiving classes; improvement of the teaching-learning process; means of social interaction; resources for research on the internet. Moreover, the training of future teachers currently depends on the possession of devices to be able to access training activities; this technological gap makes social inequality increasingly visible. Another important result is that the pandemic tested the capacity of both, students and teachers to restructure and adapt to the virtual context. This is related to the status of most teachers as digital migrants and of students as digital natives. In the case of teachers, they have not yet managed to adapt to the use of teaching strategies in the virtual context, while students mastered ICTs. For those who found their applications and tools for the first time in the context of the pandemic, it was a welcomed learning opportunity. The development of students’ creativity during virtual learning was marked by the role assumed by teachers, as a consequence of the intensive use of ICTs that has allowed young people to keep busy and learn while having fun. Teachers have focused more on their use in order to enhance their emotional intelligence to face new and stressful situations in their professional practice. Regarding the family environment, beyond the leading role that families have assumed as facilitators of the teaching-learning process, members may hinder attention, concentration, comprehension, and memorization of knowledge due to the different distractions generated at home. According to some of the teachers in training consulted for this research, student and teacher communication was flexible, and many students have been able to pass every subject. The teachers in training consulted recognized the practices that threaten their physical and emotional well-being and the need to rethink new styles of healthcare for themselves and their families. Finally, it is concluded that the experiences manifested were presented bearing in mind the fundamental categories of the study. Students confirmed the different perceptions on categories that influence their training and the need to advance in an integrative strategy between education and health professionals that incorporates the particularities described for a more inclusive approach to teacher training.
URI : https://dialnet.unirioja.es/servlet/articulo?codigo=8961083
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