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Título : Promoting Speaking Skills in Online Environments
Autor : Campaña-Días, Diana
Porras-Pumalema, Sandra
Ávila-Herrera., Stalyn
Fierro-López, Daysi
Fecha de publicación : 2021
Editorial : Conciencia Digital. Volumen 4. Número 1.1, pp. 241-249.
Resumen : Introduction. The use of digital technologies as a means of instruction has transformed the way languages are learned and taught. Easier access to information, as well, makes it simpler for learners to develop reading, listening, and writing skills. However, for speaking to develop it is still necessary to think of a speaker and a listener who can both interact with each other. Currently, and as a direct result of the COVID-19 pandemic, speaking scenarios have moved – even more so – from face-to-face environments to other spaces such as video conferencing rooms, audio messages on chat apps, video calls, among others. Objective. To establish activities that promote development of speaking in online educational settings. Methodology. This article presents a review of state-of-the-art literature illustrating how speaking could be promoted and enhanced by resorting to online environments, considering what are described as best practices. Results. Activities and ideas that could be adapted to different levels of performance, in different learning environments, are presented. Conclusion. Taking advantage of technology and the different tools in which, it is present is without a doubt, one to the best ways in which language learning encounters a supporting means. The advent of more developed resources has allowed for improved and, in some cases, novel strategies for application in the EFL class.
URI : https://cienciadigital.org/revistacienciadigital2/index.php/ConcienciaDigital/article/view/1556
Aparece en las colecciones: Artículos Regionales

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