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Fecha de publicaciónTítuloAutor(es)
2022The role of plant secondary metabolites in shaping regional and local plant community assemblyEndara, María-José; Soule, Abrianna; Forrister, Dale; Dexter, Kyle; Pennington, R. Toby; Nicholls, James; Loiseau, Oriane; Kursar, Thomas; Coley, Phyllis
2019Macroevolutionary patterns in overexpression of tyrosine: An anti-herbivore defence in a speciose tropical tree genus, Inga (Fabaceae)Coley, Phyllis; Endara, María-José; Ghabash, Gabrielle; Kinder, Catherine; Nicholls, James; Pennington, R. Toby; Mills, Anthony; Soule, Abrianna; Lemes, Maristerra; Stone, Graham; Kursar, Thomas
2019Herbivores as drivers of negative density dependence in tropical forest saplingsForrister, Dale; Endara, María-José; Younkin, Gordon; Coley, Phyllis; Kursar, Thomas
2019Physical, but not chemical, antiherbivore defense expression is related to the clustered spatial distribution of tropical trees in an Amazonian forestCombo-Quinche, Johanna; Endara, María-José; Valencia, Renato; Muñoz-Upegui, Dolly; Cárdenas, Rafael
2018Chemocoding as an identification tool where morphological- and DNA-based methods fall short: Inga as a case studyEndara, María-José; Coley, Phyllis; Wiggins, Natasha; Forrister, Dale; Younkin, Gordon; Nicholls, James
2017Coevolutionary arms race versus host defense chase in a tropical herbivore–plant systemEndara, María-José; Coley, Phyllis; Ghabash, Gabrielle; Nicholls, James; DExter, Kyle; Donoso, David; Stone, Graham; Pennington, Toby; kursar, Thomas
2018Tracking of host defenses and phylogeny during the radiation of neotropical inga-feeding sawflies (hymenoptera; argidae)Endara, María-José; Nicholls, James; Coley, Phyllis; Forrister, Dale; Younkin, Gordon; Dexter, Kyle; Kidner, Catherine; Pennington, R.; Stone, Graham; kursar, Thomas
2018Consequences of interspecific variation in defenses and herbivore host choice for the ecology and evolution of Inga, a speciose rainforest treeColey, Phillis; Endara, María-José; Kursar, Thomas