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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2022The cupboard task: An immersive virtual reality-based system for everyday memory assessmentVarela-Aldás, José; Buele, Jorge; Amariglio, Rebecca; García-Magariño, Iván; Palacios-Navarro, Guillermo
2022Electric Monitoring System for Residential Customers Using Wireless TechnologyBuele, Jorge; Morales-Sánchez, Juan; Varela-Aldás, José; Palacios-Navarro, Guillermo; Ayala-Chauvin, Manuel
2022Cognitive Decline Detection for Alzheimer's Disease Patients Through an Activity of Daily Living (ADL)Palacios-Navarro, Guillermo; Buele, Jorge; Gimero, Jarque; Bronchal García, A.
2022Mobile Manipulator for Hospital Care Using FirebaseVarela-Aldás, José; Buele, Jorge; Guerrero-Núñez, Santiago; Andaluz, Víctor
2022Virtual Reality applications based on activities of daily living (ADL) for cognitive diagnosis and rehabilitationBuele, Jorge; Varela-Aldás, José; Palacios-Navarro, Guillermo
2022Low-Cost Energy Consumption Monitoring System Using NodeMCUAyala-Chauvin, Manuel; Acurio-Pérez, Joel Andrés; Sanmartí, Genis; Buele, Jorge
2022Predicting Academic Performance in Mathematics Using Machine Learning AlgorithmsEspinosa-Pinos, Carlos; Ayala-Chauvin, Manuel; Buele, Jorge
2022Development of a WBGT Index Meter Based on M5Stack Core2Varela-Aldás, José; Buele, Jorge; Mosquera, Hairo; Palacios-Navarro, Guillermo
2022Automation of an Electro-Hydraulic Test Bench Using a Weitek CMT3092 HMI- PLCAltamirano-Haro, Diego; Sánchez-Diáz, Patricio; Buele, Jorge; Ayala-Chauvin, Manuel