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dc.contributor.authorMoya, Susana-
dc.contributor.authorMuñoz, Doménica-
dc.contributor.authorOrtíz, Franco-
dc.description.abstractThis article proposes an analysis of the policies and strategies of the city of Quito for the development of urban green, for which the climate action plan of Quito and the plans to be fulfilled until 2030 have been reviewed, as well as the metropolitan corridor and its potential as a green corridor, after this the characteristics of the sector “La Argelia” have been analyzed. as an example of the characteristics of the peripheral neighborhoods of Quito, in order to show the potential that this type of environment has for the development of urban green, in this case from an urban agriculture approach, which could also provide these spaces not only with an economy, but with a circular metabolism, that contributes to the development of the neighborhood and the city.es
dc.publisherEnvironmental Science and Engineering. Pages 101 - 111. 2023es
dc.titleThe Potential of Peripheral Neighborhoods for the Development of Urban Green in Latin American Cities, the Case of Algeria, Quito, Ecuadores
Aparece en las colecciones: Artículos Científicos Indexados

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