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Título : Analisys of the Efficiency of a Conventional Ventilated Brake Disc Compared to a Hyperventilated Disc by Machining
Otros títulos : Análisis de la eficiencia de un disco de freno convencional ventilado con respecto a un disco hiperventilado mediante mecanizado
Autor : Rojas, Vicente
Pancha, Johnny
Romero, Vicente
Lema, Jorge
Fecha de publicación : 2021
Editorial : Ingenius. Volume 2021, Issue 25, Pages 62 - 69
Resumen : Databases are usually the main targets of an attack, specifically for the information that they store, since, according to Druker, information is power. In this work vulnerability tests are performed of the database of an ERP software developed in APEX 5. For this purpose, FOSS tools are used to test and analyze vulnerabilities of databases, identifying that sessions used by ERP based on Oracle APEX are carried out randomly, and besides are generated again at particular times. It is therefore concluded that, with the tests applied and the updates of SQLMAP to the date of the experiment, it has not been possible to vulnerate the ERP software with SQL injection techniques. By displaying time data of the brake discs, it was possible to conclude that hyperventilated discs have better heat dissipation, since they have better ventilation. From all the results obtained on the route tests, it was possible to visualize the temperature behavior in the discs at the moment of braking and it was evidenced that hyperventilated discs tend to heat up less than normal discs, thus leading to a decrease in time and stopping distance.
URI : http://scielo.senescyt.gob.ec/scielo.php?script=sci_abstract&pid=S1390-860X2021000100062&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=en
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