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dc.contributor.authorJiménez-Robles, Octavio-
dc.contributor.authorGuayasamín, Juan-
dc.contributor.authorRon, Santiago-
dc.contributor.authorDe la Riva, Ignacio-
dc.description.abstractAssembly of ecological communities is important for the conservation of ecosystems, predicting perturbation impacts, and understanding the origin and loss of biodiversity. We tested how amphibian communities are assembled by neutral and niche-based mechanisms, such as habitat filtering. Species richness, β-diversities, and reproductive traits of amphibians were evaluated at local scale in seven habitats at different elevation and disturbance levels in Wisui Biological Station, Morona-Santiago, Ecuador, on the foothills of the Cordillera del Kutukú; and at regional scale using 109 localities across evergreen forests of Amazonia and its Andean slopes (0–3,900 m a.s.l.). At local scale, species composition showed strong differences among habitats, explained mainly by turnover. Reproductive modes occurred differently across habitats (e.g., prevalence of direct developers at high elevation, where breeding in ground level water disappears). At regional scale, elevation was the most important factor explaining the changes in species richness, reproductive trait occurrences, and biotic dissimilarities. Species number in all groups decreased with elevation except for those with lotic tadpoles and terrestrial reproduction stages. Seasonality, annual precipitation, and relative humidity partially explained the occurrence of some reproductive traits. Biotic dissimilarities were also mostly caused by turnover rather than nestedness and were particularly high in montane and foothill sites. Within lowlands, geographic distance explained more variability than elevation. Habitat filtering was supported by the different occurrence of reproductive traits according to elevation, water availability, and breeding microhabitats at both scales, as well as other assembly mechanisms based in biotic interactions at local scale. Human-generated land use changes in Amazonia and its Andean slopes reduce local amphibian biodiversity by alteration of primary forests and loss of their microhabitats and the interaction network that maintains their unique amphibian assemblages with different reproductive strategies. © 2017 The Authors. Ecology and Evolution published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.es
dc.publisherEcology and Evolution. Volume 7, Issue 8, Pages 2489 - 2500es
dc.titleReproductive traits associated with species turnover of amphibians in Amazonia and its Andean slopeses
Aparece en las colecciones: Artículos Científicos Indexados

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