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dc.contributor.authorBuele, Jorge-
dc.contributor.authorLópez, Victoria-
dc.contributor.authorVarela-Aldás, José-
dc.contributor.authorSoria, Angel-
dc.contributor.authorPalacios-Navarro, Guillermo-
dc.description.abstractThe educational disorders that children present at an early age can cause them to not fully develop throughout their lives. In this research work a 3D virtual system that allows the child who has been diagnosed with dyslexia to complement the exercises performed in a conventional therapy is described. To achieve this an application was developed, the app consists of two games (each with three levels of difficulty), and that are part of the rehabilitation program. In each of these games virtual objects are combined with auditory messages to provide the user with an immersive experience, and to train more than one sense at a time. In the first game task, the activity asks the children to correctly locate the syllables that compose a word and for the second activity the children will listen to a word, after the games asks the children to select the correct word. This tool has been tested by a group of children (eight), with ages ranging from 8 to 12 years old, whose development can be supervised at home by their parents, since it is an intuitive and easy to use interface. The results obtained are stored in a database and in this way the medical specialist can monitor the progress of the child throughout his treatment. For the validation of this proposal the SUS usability test was used. © Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2020.es
dc.publisherAdvances in Intelligent Systems and Computing. Volume 1137 AISC, Pages 330 - 339. International Conference on Information Technology and Systems, ICITS 2020. Bogota. 5 February 2020 through 7 February 2020es
dc.titleVirtual environment application that complements the treatment of dyslexia (VEATD) in childrenes
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