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Título : Muddy boots beget wisdom: Implications for rare or endangered plant species distribution models
Autor : Oleas, Nora
Feeley, Kenneth
Fajardo, Javier
Meerow, Alan
Gebelein, Jennifer
Francisco-Ortega, Javier
Fecha de publicación : 2019
Editorial : Diversity. Volume 11, Issue 1
Resumen : Species distribution models (SDMs) are popular tools for predicting the geographic ranges of species. It is common practice to use georeferenced records obtained from online databases to generate these models. Using three species of Phaedranassa (Amaryllidaceae) from the Northern Andes, we compare the geographic ranges as predicted by SDMs based on online records (after standard data cleaning) with SDMs of these records confirmed through extensive field searches. We also review the identification of herbarium collections. The species’ ranges generated with corroborated field records did not agree with the species’ ranges based on the online data. Specifically, geographic ranges based on online data were significantly inflated and had significantly different and wider elevational extents compared to the ranges based on verified field records. Our results suggest that to generate accurate predictions of species’ ranges, occurrence records need to be carefully evaluated with (1) appropriate filters (e.g., altitude range, ecosystem); (2) taxonomic monographs and/or specialist corroboration; and (3) validation through field searches. This study points out the implications of generating SDMs produced with unverified online records to guide species-specific conservation strategies since inaccurate range predictions can have important consequences when estimating species’ extinction risks.
URI : https://www.mdpi.com/1424-2818/11/1/10
Aparece en las colecciones: Artículos Científicos Indexados

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