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dc.contributor.authorMorales-Molina, Tania-
dc.contributor.authorNúñez-Torres, Gabriel-
dc.contributor.authorHernández-Espín, Voroshilov-
dc.contributor.authorYánez-Rueda, Hugo-
dc.description.abstractIn recent decades, technology-based companies have achieved significant global recognition, given their importance and substantial contribution to the economic and sustainable development of organizations and society at large, through job and wealth creation. The research objective focuses on determining the relationship between technology-based companies and R&D and innovation spending. To meet the objective, the methodology applied was based on the application of Pearson’s correlation coefficient statistical technique, since it allows to obtain an association coefficient between variables that do not behave normally. The results indicate that R&D spending and innovation are representative factors for the operation of technology-based companies.es
dc.publisherSmart Innovation, Systems and Technologies. Volume 255, Pages 489 - 500. Multidisciplinary International Conference of Research Applied to Defense and Security, MICRADS 2021. Cartagena. 18 August 2021 through 20 August 2021es
dc.titleTechnology-Based Companies: The Case of South American Countrieses
Aparece en las colecciones: Artículos Científicos Indexados

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